On 19 April 2022 SARS issued an anti-fraud leaflet. Find it Here.
Information and Implications
Guidance is provided on how to protect taxpayers’ eFiling profiles, for instance:
- Taxpayers to activate the One-Time-Pin (OTP) security feature on their eFiling profile
- Taxpayers to log-off completely after accessing their eFiling profile, etc.
This is important for the accountant and taxpayer to avoid:
- Increased tax liabilities to SARS due to scams, or
- Becoming the subject of a criminal investigation
Context for beginners
Fraudulent activities are carried out by individuals who gain access to eFiling profiles through phishing or other nefarious scams to:
- Change a legitimate taxpayer’s bank details to divert refunds, or
- Submit fraudulent tax returns to generate refunds.
An example of a scam email can be found Here.
Need assistance
Email enquiries and questions to Technical@Saiba.Org.Za for further assistance.