Tax Happy Hour – 23 November 2022
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Whilst this Tax Happy hour discussion will contain certain technical content, the discussion will primarily focus on interesting practical examples. November 2022
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Product Information
Businesses met and continue to meet numerous challenges over the past 3 years. Not only did management need to deal with Covid-19, it also needed to address widescale unrests and floodings and the global impact of the Ukraine War.
To meet these challenges, many businesses need to restructure, introduce new investors, dispose of non-core businesses, raise capital and streamline businesses. Many businesses are currently under business rescue where debts are restructured or other drastic measures introduced to rescue the entity.
In the next two Tax Happy Hours, we will address the tax implications of some of these “out of ordinary” transactions that many businesses are currently considering.
In the November Happy Hour we will discuss tax pitfalls and opportunities arising from typical Business Rescue activities.
This will include VAT and Income Tax implication of inter alia the following:
- Conversion of loans to shares
- Compromise with creditors
- Retrenchments
- Sale and leaseback arrangements
Please join us for this highly informative and practical session.
Date: 23 November 2022, Wednesday
Time: 16:00-17:00
Format: Online Live Streamed event
Recording: Loaded to your SAIBA Academy profile if you registered prior to the event date
How to register
Select the Register Now button.
After registration
- You will receive an email from Z00m (email: no-reply@zoom.us) with your unique link. Do not share the link publicly to ensure you gain access. The email will be send to the email address you listed under the heading Webinar Attendee in the Checkout Form.
- After successful registration, the event will be listed as a course under your SAIBA Academy profile. Login, My Dashboard, My Courses. Select start next to: Tax Happy Hour – 23 November 2022. A recording will be made available to all delegates who registered and attended the online webinar.
The event is free to attend.
Johan Heydenrych CA(SA), M.Com(Tax)
Kreston South Africa
Johan completed his B. Com (Accounting) (Hons) cum laude and was awarded “Best student in Audit 700”. He has been offering specialised taxation services since 1991 across all industries. Johan was a tax partner at KPMG from 1997 to 2020 and is currently a partner in the Kreston SA network specialising in taxation. Johan is well-known for his expert presentation skills and entertains the audience with his extensive experience and stories.
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