CPD Redemption Package
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CIBA CPD Redemption Package
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Product Information
The CPD Redemption package relates to CIBA CPD non compliance. It is available once-off to non-compliant members under the supervision of the Ethics and Compliance department and subject to their final approval.
Upon registration the course will be loaded to your profile. Please start the course, complete the declaration and proceed to the webinar. Your certificate will be issued on completion of the assessment. The certificate issued should be provided to the compliance officer at cpd@myciba.org.
Note: The CPD Redemption cannot serve as proof for Tax Practitioner’s CPD. It is compulsory for Tax Practitioners to complete their required CPD.
The following pricing applies: R1,500.00 once off.
- Declaration.
- 1-hour Rehabilitation webinar, to be viewed within 40 days
- 15 mark assessment on the rehabilitation webinar
There are no preconditions for this course.
Moderate level.
Recorded webinar made available on a specified date.
Nicolaas van Wyk
Nicolaas is the CEO of SAIBA and has a long history of training and development within the profession. ​He has authored a number of books and guides including:​Principles and Practices of Independent Review Engagements, ​Guide to Accounting Officer Engagements, Guide to Compilation Engagements, Independent review working papers,​ Working paper on company formation for the Company Law Review. ​He has the following qualifications:​ BCom​, BCom Hons​, MBA​, Business Accountant in Practice (SA)​, Certified Financial Officer (SA)​.
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