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Continuing professional development (CPD) is the ongoing process of developing, maintaining and documenting your professional skills by attending CPD events. These skills may be gained formally, through a qualification or training, or informally, on the job or by watching others. SAIBA Academy offers role specific relevant CPD activities that are essential for accountants within a finance department to remain relevant.

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Practice Management
Estate planning is a critical process that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes and provides peace of mind for you and your loved ones. September 2024   Category: Practice Management.
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Practice Management
This webinar highlights the importance of growth strategies, leadership, leveraging technology, client relationship management, and risk and succession planning in auditing. August 2024   Category: Practice Management.
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Practice Management
This webinar highlights the importance of strategic planning and business planning in managing an audit firm effectively. It focuses on developing a clear strategic direction, understanding competitive positioning, and implementing effective practice models to ensure sustainable growth and high-quality client service. August 2024   Category: Practice Management
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Accounting and Tax
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Tax Practitioner
Whilst this Tax Happy hour discussion will contain certain technical content, the discussion will primarily focus on tax in Manufacuring - July 2024
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Accounting and Tax
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Tax Practitioner
Whilst this Tax Happy hour discussion will contain certain technical content, the discussion will primarily focus on tax in Agriculture - June 2024
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Practice Management
Auditing for Small and Medium-sized Practices (SMPs) presents unique challenges and opportunities, requiring a tailored approach to ensure compliance and quality. August 2024   Category: Practice Management.
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Practice Management
Maintaining high ethical standards is paramount in the accountancy profession. August 2024   Category: Ethics.
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Practice Management
Ethics is central to an accountant's ability to establish trust and credibility with clients and stakeholders. August 2024   Category: Ethics
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Practice Management
The rapid advancement of technology is transforming the accounting profession, offering innovative tools and solutions to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and decision-making. August 2024   Category: Practice Management.
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Practice Management
In today's dynamic business environment, emotional intelligence and resilience are critical skills for accountants. August 2024   Category: Practice Management.
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The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. - Albert Einstein

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